Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Dogs Day

Last Friday, Miss Pearse brought Mr Darcy, her black labrador dog to school. It was great fun having him at school. We got to do our work with him and some of us got to take him for short walks around the field. He has very soft fur and ears and he likes to be patted.


In between rehearsals we have been using Kidpix to SCAMPER kiwiana items. We Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Minimise/Maximise, Put to other uses, Eliminate, Rearrange kiwiana items to create new ideas.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Karaka Show - Kiwi Treasures

Hi. This term we have been rehearsing for our show called Kiwi Treasures. The show is all about being a New Zealander, a kiwi! It has been alot of fun...and hard work too!!! Yesterday we performed for the school. It was great being in costume and doing it for real. Tonight is out main show. Our families have been given tickets.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jump Rope for Heart

Today it is Jump Rope for Heart. All the classes are taking turns to skip with skipping ropes. Room 11's time is at 1.30 and we are skipping with our buddy class Room 1. I hope the weather is fine when it is our turn because it looks like it might rain. I hope it doesn't. We also get to skip to music. It is loud, we can here it now!