Sunday, November 15, 2009

Raapa 16 Whiringa-a-rangi

In writing we are finishing our procedure writing. We have been writing instructions for making our clay tea pots. Today we took photos of our tea pots and imported them into our writing.

Today Constable Chopper came into our class to talk about bike safety. He told that we should wear a helmet because it is the law and that safe helmets have a special silver sticker. Special features of a helmet are the sticker, pad, and visor, because you can't wear a baseball cap under you helmet. We found out that our bike has a serial number that is at the bottom of the crank. You need to tell the police the serial number if your bike gets stolen. Cyclists have to give way to cars and bikes on their right, because that's the rule for cars too. Jennifer added up all the offences and penalites a cyclist could get if they didn't follow the law it would coast $795!!! That's A LOT of pocket money!!!