Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sky TV interviews Room 11

2 Sky TV people came to Room 11 today to interview some of the Room 11 students and Miss Pearse. They filmed us and asked us questions about our 'adopted' country that were are researching and the Rugby World Cup. Amy told them about Fiji and told them that in 2005 on tour Fiji got defeated by NZ 91-0. Josh and Jonty talked about France and said about the landmarks in France. Once they have finished editing, they will put the short interview on the Rugby World Cup website.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Special Guest Arrives at Greytown School

The Rugby World Cup, the Webb Ellis Cup, came to Greytown School. The security guy (John) was close by to make sure no one touched the cup. Room 11 was allowed to have their photo taken. That last time New Zealand had the Webb Ellis Cup was in 1987.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Google SketchUp New Users 4: Create a Chair

We are learning to use SketchUp, to help us draw our evacuation kit. This YouTube was helpful because it helps us to draw in 3D. It showed us how to draw a chair, using the push and pull tool, the measuring, follow me, eraser, rotate, zoom, and curve tools

Monday, July 4, 2011

Ratu 5 o Hongongoi

In room 11 we have been learning how to ask people when is their birthday in Te Reo Maori and how to greet, ask and sign a persons name in New Zealand sign. The top photo shows us 'clapping' in NZ sign after showing the school how to ask and sign our names.
Below shows examples of us asking and answering the question, 'when is your birthday?'

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Raapa 15 o Pipiri

In Maths we are currently learning about 'Position and Orientation.' Today's lesson we were learning to know the points of a compass and the terms clockwise and anti-clockwise.
We had to stand up and turn in the direction Miss Pearse called out. It was fun, it was easy to understand because we had to move around.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hot Dog Fundraiser

4 girls for our class at Greytwon School girls have been busy raising money for victims of the Christchurch earthquake.
After spending a whole weekend baking and selling yummy goodies around the
town and raising $135.00 we decided to go a little bit further by having a
“Hot Dogs for Christchurch” lunch at school. We phoned local businesses and had wonderful donations from Premier Bacon, Bread Craft, Mela Juice and Moore Wilsons.
After sending home notices and school students we spent two lunch times making delicious American Hot Dogs. Almost all of the students got involved and some paid lots
more than we asked because they all wanted to help Christchurch. We raised $865.40
for the Hot Dogs that means we raised exactly $1000.00 for Christchurch.
We would like to thank Premier Bacon, Bread Craft, Mela Juice, Moore Wilsons and
the families of Greytown School students who got involved.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Movin' March - Walk and Wheels Day

Students from Greytown School decorated the school gate with their old shoes.

Room 11 recorded their statistical investigation about how they travel to school by drawing around their feet and painting them a particular colour depending on if they come to school by walking (blue), biking (red), bus (yellow), Car (orange).

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rahina 7 o Hui-Tanguru

Here is the link to today's You Tube warm-up: The Hippo Jungle Song.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Raapa 2 Hui-tanguru

Today is the first day of school for 2011. Room 11 have had a great day unfortunately the laptops were not charged so we will have to wait until tomorrow. Miss Morgan took a photo of our new class and we have posted it to our blog. We looked at some pictures and You Tube's about our adopted elephant - Sunyei. We looked at using iWeb to showcase our work this year. Now we have completed our first blog entry and day of 2011!! :o)