Saturday, March 23, 2013

Balloon Festival 2013 - Night Glow

 Photographer: Skye

Remember Team11, email me your photos from the Balloon festival, and I will post your photos to the Team11 blog for all to see.

Thanks Skye for these great photos from the Night Glow.

2013 Balloon Festival

Calling all budding/future photographers. Have you had a camera, phone or other photo taking device out and about with the hot air balloons? Send in your best shots (photos) so we can share them with the world.

Email me, your best photo to,

I will post them to our blog and print them out for our wall at school. I look forward to receiving your wonderful photos

-Happy clicking!!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Raapa 20 o Poutu-te-rangi - Wednesday 20 March

In Room 11 we have an adopted elephant called Sunyei. Sunyei lives with other rescued elephants and rhinos at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (

Here is a video of a recent rescue.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Ratu 5 o Poutu-te-rangi - Tuesday 5th March

Goal Setting Interviews

Today a notice should have come home informing you of goal setting interviews next week.
(Should have come home with the youngest family member in the school).

Please follow the link to

and use the code supplied in today's
newsletter. Please email or
contact me if you did not
receive this newsletter.