Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

An email from Adam

Hi Everyone,

We are having a great time. We stayed with Mum's friend for 3 nights and
saw lots of animals. Mums' friends house had an outside shower & toilet.
Jacob got bitten by a jumping ant and had 2 leeches on his feet. We saw
heaps of wallabies in the backyard and Mum saw 2 tawny frogmouth owls on
the ledge of the toilet!!

Today we are going to Dreamworld & White Water world. When we went to the
beach the waves were huge but the water was warm.

The weather here is beautiful and warm - going to be 29 degrees today saw
on tv that Mstn is going to be wet & cold.

Jacob & I have emailed you last week but not sure if you got them as the
internet was a bit slow at Mum's friends house.

Hope you aren't working too hard. Off to catch the bus now.

From Adam & Jacob

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ramare 20 o Poutu-te-rangi

This week we did Jump Jam and we are learning about diasters and sign language. Today we have golden time. For golden time we are going to play pass the parcel.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rapare 19 o Poutu-te-rangi

Welcome to Room 11' s blog site. Over the year students will be recording their thoughts, reflections on their learning and special events happening. We also have students who travel around New Zealand and the world, they too will be able to add to this blog.
We hope that you will enjoy reading our blogs.