Sunday, March 22, 2009

An email from Adam

Hi Everyone,

We are having a great time. We stayed with Mum's friend for 3 nights and
saw lots of animals. Mums' friends house had an outside shower & toilet.
Jacob got bitten by a jumping ant and had 2 leeches on his feet. We saw
heaps of wallabies in the backyard and Mum saw 2 tawny frogmouth owls on
the ledge of the toilet!!

Today we are going to Dreamworld & White Water world. When we went to the
beach the waves were huge but the water was warm.

The weather here is beautiful and warm - going to be 29 degrees today saw
on tv that Mstn is going to be wet & cold.

Jacob & I have emailed you last week but not sure if you got them as the
internet was a bit slow at Mum's friends house.

Hope you aren't working too hard. Off to catch the bus now.

From Adam & Jacob

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