Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rahina 15 o Pipiri (Monday 15th of june)

This term our focus is on Electricity. We have been making circuits and learning about the different sources of energy generation.

Over the last few week, students' have been making new discoveries around the topic of electricity, and have come up with questions about the topic.

They are now currently researching their questions, and finding out new information in their area of interest.

We have groups working on "Which electricity is the best in terms of cost and environmental impact" to "How much electricity is the school using and areas where we can save on power".

In week 10, the students will be sharing their keynote presentation on their findings to the Karaka Syndicate.

Room 11 will also be recording the progress of our inquries and other events happening in our classroom while reflecting on their new learning, daily on our class blog site.

Week 8 is Teacher-Student-Parent conferences, where the students will be able to discuss and showcase their learning from the last two terms.

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