Monday, May 14, 2012

Ratu 15 o Haratua

Paul Southey is an architect at A1Homes. He came to Greytown school today we went into room 10 to see him. He came to us because it was our topic, our topic is called “How will we future-proof our homes” and thats what Paul talked about to us.

First he said “Whats the first thing what you have to do to build your house” The first thing is to buy a section where you can build your house. Some people just walked into A1Homes and said “ I would like that house” and Paul said “Ok where do you want to build the house,” but they didn’t know where! So thats important to buy a section where you want your house. Also what you need is a permission so you are allowed to build your house.

When you are building a house you have to see the sight where you are building a house incase if there is trees in the way of the plumbing as well as where you build it. You don’t want your house going north or south because you don’t get the sun! But if you build it going east to west you get the sunlight all day (and if you had a long day at work you can sit down on your deck and have the coldest beer in the world)

Do not build your house on a cliff!!! If you build your house on a cliff there is a lot of possibilities that something could happen like an earthquake struck or a land slide, your house would just going crashing down the cliff.

The south wairarapa district council has a lot of stuff involved wiht building a house. They are involved in a lot of stuff because they supply water, sewage, power and phone line(so you can ring people).

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