Monday, July 19, 2010

Ratu 19 o Hongoingoi

Welcome back to Room 11's blog for Term 3! We started our term with a team building exercise. We were asked to stand and make a circle, but we didn't know why? We had to think about 'why' we were doing this and what 'our' (individual) role was. Then we were asked to hold hands with the person beside us.

As a class we had to move a hoop around the circle while our hands were linked. I took only a few seconds for some members of our class to show 'leadership' and 'initiative.' Quickly, we had the hoop on the move, it was so funny, we were laughing while also being 'supportive!' We had to 'co-operate and be observant as the hoop traveled around the group.

We agreed that to be successful in this task and all classroom tasks we need to work as a team! We need to think about our individual roles that we play, and the roles of others. It was great to be successful! Next time we are going to time ourselves and see if we can move the hoop round the circle faster. We will let you know how we get time!! Rm11.

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