Thursday, July 1, 2010

Last Day of term 2

This morning Karaka and Totara Syndicates met in the hall to showcase when we had been doing in our "Option's" classes over the last 6 weeks. We saw some plays from the Drama group, Students talked about the sewing and cooking options. Cooking didn't have anything to was all in their tummies. Ms Craddock showed a keynote slideshow of Ephemeral Art, the mosaic group showed their mosaic that will go up in our new hall later this year.

This afternoon we had the big North Creek Opening. We had really important people here, like the mayor of South Wairarapa, Representatives from Meridian Energy and Wellington Regional Council. After the Maori welcome we ALL go to plant one of the hundreds of trees, needing to be planted. It was a wonderful occasion for everyone, especially all the current and past students and teachers who have worked extremely hard on the North Creek project.

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