Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Anna's Email

Hi room11,

Yesterday Granny and I got on the plane to London at 21:30 from Valencia (a city in Spain.) But didn't land until 23:35 and we had to get the bags of the plane as well as having 40 minute drive ahead of us. So we got back to Granny's house at 1:20 in the morning.
However Granny and I had so much fun in Spain and sometimes it's great just to relax and chill out. In Spain we were swimming and swimming and swimming and we did a little bit of shopping as well.
I have some great new clothes and love all of the British shops.
Mum, Dad and Tayla have all told me how bad and rainy the weather is I hope that it gets a little better. Great little movie by the way.


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