Monday, October 15, 2012

Ratu 17 o Whiringa-a-nuku

Today we started a new reading programme, the Red Reading Box. We learnt how to set it up and had a trial of one of the text. We each completed one card.

This morning the Kuranui Coaching students came to take us for Soccer, Touch Rugby and T-Ball.
In T-ball we learnt to make sure that you stand on the base when you catch the ball and then the person who hit the ball will be out. In Soccer, had a game of soccer, one thing the coach told us was to pass the ball forwand so that the next player runs on to it and in Touch Rugby, the coach told us to pass the ball often and down the line.

We came up with our inquiry BIG question which is, "What are the historical, social and cultural aspects that make New Zealand music unique?"

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