Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ratu 23 o Whiringa-a-nuku

So much on today!!
First thing this morning we had Kuranui College students come and coach us. We split into T-Ball, Touch Rugby and Hockey. Then we had assembly, thanks Room 9 for a great assembly. Joseph and Femke received highly commended certificates for their swimming pool mural competition.

Then we worked our pet day art/alliteration poems. It's PET DAY TOMORROW! Everyone is excited about bringing their pets to school.

Finally, if that wasn't enough....we had Carl Everson from the New Zealand band 'Fourmyula' formed in 1967. Their most well known song is 'Nature'. The song was written while members we sitting on the back porch listening to the sounds of nature. Carl showed us his talents playing the harmonic and the guitar. He sung a variety of songs, but the highlight was singing along with Carl...and of course the song was 'Nature'. Thank you Carl, for sharing your experiences with us.

Keep an eye out tomorrow for photos of Greytown School's Pet Day 2012

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