Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rahina 20 o Whiringa-a-nuku

Room 11 Athletics - Long Jump on PhotoPeach

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ratu 23 o Whiringa-a-nuku

So much on today!!
First thing this morning we had Kuranui College students come and coach us. We split into T-Ball, Touch Rugby and Hockey. Then we had assembly, thanks Room 9 for a great assembly. Joseph and Femke received highly commended certificates for their swimming pool mural competition.

Then we worked our pet day art/alliteration poems. It's PET DAY TOMORROW! Everyone is excited about bringing their pets to school.

Finally, if that wasn't enough....we had Carl Everson from the New Zealand band 'Fourmyula' formed in 1967. Their most well known song is 'Nature'. The song was written while members we sitting on the back porch listening to the sounds of nature. Carl showed us his talents playing the harmonic and the guitar. He sung a variety of songs, but the highlight was singing along with Carl...and of course the song was 'Nature'. Thank you Carl, for sharing your experiences with us.

Keep an eye out tomorrow for photos of Greytown School's Pet Day 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Ratu 17 o Whiringa-a-nuku

Today we started a new reading programme, the Red Reading Box. We learnt how to set it up and had a trial of one of the text. We each completed one card.

This morning the Kuranui Coaching students came to take us for Soccer, Touch Rugby and T-Ball.
In T-ball we learnt to make sure that you stand on the base when you catch the ball and then the person who hit the ball will be out. In Soccer, had a game of soccer, one thing the coach told us was to pass the ball forwand so that the next player runs on to it and in Touch Rugby, the coach told us to pass the ball often and down the line.

We came up with our inquiry BIG question which is, "What are the historical, social and cultural aspects that make New Zealand music unique?"

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Rahina 15 Whiringa-a-nuku

Today learnt about what our new inquiry topic is going to be, which is the History of New Zealand Music. Firstly, Miss Pearse put up on our Inquiry wall a sheet of gift wrap with jandles, chocolate fish, sheep, kiwifruit, and other kiwiana. Then a bag with a picture of a gramophone and old records. On stickies we had to guess what our topic might be about.
We need to decide on a FAT question for our inquiry. Some of our questions were Fat, some were skinny or closed. Tomorrow we will have our BIG question.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ratu 22 o Haratua

This morning we had assembly. Our school band played 3 songs and 2 members from our class spoke about the Envirogroups Swimming pool project. The Envirogroup have an art competition to design a mural for the swimming pool fence.

This afternoon was science and arts rotation. First we had science, we did an egg in vinegar expeiment, the egg shell disolves. Why does the egg shell dislove? Because the vinegar disolves the calcium in the shell. Then we had drama and played I love you honey, but I just can't smile and Simon Says.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Rahina 21 o Haratua

Our day began with our You Tube of the day which was about Oliver the dog. 
For writing we did an experiment with a candle. We lit a candle and then discussed what we knew about candles and flame. We knew that flames need oxygen. Then we placed a large jar over the candle. After a small time the candle went out. The candle went out because there was no oxygen left inside the jar.

We started writing an Explanation. An Explanation tells you how or why something occurs.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Ratu 15 o Haratua

Paul Southey is an architect at A1Homes. He came to Greytown school today we went into room 10 to see him. He came to us because it was our topic, our topic is called “How will we future-proof our homes” and thats what Paul talked about to us.

First he said “Whats the first thing what you have to do to build your house” The first thing is to buy a section where you can build your house. Some people just walked into A1Homes and said “ I would like that house” and Paul said “Ok where do you want to build the house,” but they didn’t know where! So thats important to buy a section where you want your house. Also what you need is a permission so you are allowed to build your house.

When you are building a house you have to see the sight where you are building a house incase if there is trees in the way of the plumbing as well as where you build it. You don’t want your house going north or south because you don’t get the sun! But if you build it going east to west you get the sunlight all day (and if you had a long day at work you can sit down on your deck and have the coldest beer in the world)

Do not build your house on a cliff!!! If you build your house on a cliff there is a lot of possibilities that something could happen like an earthquake struck or a land slide, your house would just going crashing down the cliff.

The south wairarapa district council has a lot of stuff involved wiht building a house. They are involved in a lot of stuff because they supply water, sewage, power and phone line(so you can ring people).

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Raapa 9 o Haratua

Today was our library day. Mrs Kirkland showed us many of the new library books. She read the first chapter of one of the new books, The history keeper. It was about a boy who had been kid-napped, and he was being driven through a hurricaine. His parents have dissappeared and he has to travel through time to find his parents.

While in the library we contined with our research, to find famous buildings around the world. We have to locate the country where the famous building is located and show this on our map. Then you have to find out, when the building was built, how high it is and why the building is famous.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ratu 8th Haratua

Room 1 are learning about Seasons. Mrs Lisle, their teacher, knew of a song about how the season come, and seasons go. She asked Room 11, Room 1's buddy class, to help sing the Seasons song. Today, (May 8th) was Room 1's assembly. Room 1 and Room 11 sung the Seasons song to the whole school.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Raapa 2 o Haratua

Brrrrr...Today was cold. It was a reminder that we need to wear warm clothing, especially our polar fleeces!!!
Today was library, we had alot of over due books that needed returning. Our library research task was to do with our 'My house, My Castle' topic, by locating famous building around the world on a map and answering questions like, why is the building famous? When was it built? and What is the height of the building?

Tomorrow is Cross country at Bartons farm. We all hope that the weather will be 100% better than today. Remember to bring plenty to eat and drink and plenty of warm clothing!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rapare 26 o Paenga-whawha

Yesterday we had no school because it was ANZAC Day. Some people went to the Greytown ANZAC Service. We watched a cat playing the piano as our funny You Tube. In maths we marked our Addition/subtraction maths test.

Then Miss Pearse had to go and help Constable Keely with some technical issues in Room 14, so Mrs Steven's came in and took Room 11 for a game Math Softball.

For reading we continued with our ANZAC reseach and we put our information on ComicLife. Once printed we glued it into our ANZAC BOOK.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Ratu 24 Paenga-Whawha

This morning we first went into Room 10 to practice singing 2 songs, Is a long way to Tipareree and Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, they were from WW1. We also sung them during assembly. Tomorrow we won't be at school as it will be ANZAC Day. Tommorow at 9.15am students from Greytown School have been asked to attened the ANZAC service at the Greytown Park wearing their school uniform. This afternoon we made poppies to wear tomorrow. Lest we Forget.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Rahina 23 o Paenga-whawha

Welcome back to term 2. Today we enjoyed the sunshine. On Wednesday there will be no school as it will be ANZAC day. Today and tomorrow we will be looking at ANZAC Day. We read about ANZAC day and sis a CLOZE reading activity. We used our re-reading strategies to help use select the correct word. During reading Mr MacKay and teachers from St Mary's School came and had a look at how we use laptops in our classroom. For writing we made postcards and wrote about what we did in the holidays. Then this afternoon we made an ANZAC poster with the poem, In Flanders Feilds. Tomorrow we need to remember running shoes and shorts, for Cross-Country training. Our School Cross-country is next Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Football Workshop with Juan

Football Workshop with Juan on PhotoPeach

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ratu 13 Poutu-te-rangi

Today 5 members of Team 11 and students from other classes went for some extra football training with Juan. We learnt new skills and played a game. Juan showed us skill to stop an apponent, and juggling the ball. Juan told us to keep practicing our turns to stop the apponent getting the ball off you.

3 students are working on a Photopeach slideshow about our class visit to the 4 Square, to look at to look at reading the nutrition labels of different food items. Keep an eye on this space we will post our slideshow, real soon ....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Raapa 8 o Hui-tanguru

We went swimming, but the water was cold. Miss Pearse's and Mr Preston's groups swam lengths. This afternoon we found out what type of learner we are, some of us were bodily kinesthetic, or visual spatial, or logical Mathematical and there are others. We are continuing to learn about place value in maths and we wrote letters to ourselves about ourselves

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ratu 7 o Hui-tanguru

A great start to week 2! Today we did spelling and place value testing. We used a tracking sheet to see where we are at, and identify our next learning steps. We didn't go swimming today - but we need to remember our togs tomorrow. We went out for some PE but the bell rang and cut our lesson short. We have been watching Miss Pearse's friend 'Gilby' as he and other cyclists cycle through Arthur's Pass as part of the Kiwi Brevet - check them out here -

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rapare 2 Hui-Tanguru

Today we discussed and practiced ruling and writing up our books. We glued in our writing and maths guide lines. When we do any written work we must remember our DUMTUMS. DUMTUMS stand for Date, Underline, Miss a line, Title, Underline, Miss a line, and Start.

We also went to the Greytown swimming pools for swimming. We were put into ability groups to practice our swimming. Greytown School Swimming Sports are on in 3 weeks. We MUST remember our togs, towels and polar fleeces every day.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Introducing GreytownTeam 11 2012. A brilliant fist day! We have 2 new arrivals to Greytown School - Welcome! As a team we decided that our Team Goals are, To LEARN, To RESPECT, To have FUN and To work as a TEAM! We are all looking forward to an exciting year this space :)